Here's 4 Simple Chest Fat Exercises That Really Do Work


Today I really do have a treat for you that I think you're going to like.  

What I'm about to tell you very well may help you get on track to completely changing your life.  Now I know that's a very bold statement but let me explain…

Before I discovered these chest fat burning exercises and how to do them properly, I was struggling like hell trying to figure out a way to get rid of my chest fat.  

Every single time I went into the locker room at the gym I couldn't help but stare around the locker room seeing all the other guys around with their shirts off quite honestly just looking great.  A nice manly and firm chest that just oozed masculinity.

And then I took my shirt off and looked at myself.  I looked in the mirror and just saw these blobs of fat hanging from my chest and was disgusted at what I saw.  

All I wanted was to be "normal" and have a masculine chest.  I wanted to be able to take off my shirt in the locker room, at the beach, at the pool, wherever and just know that I could feel good about myself and know that I could be comfortable hanging around girls with my shirt off.

Was that too much to ask?

Well, I tried what I thought was everything.

I went to the gym, did some cardiovascular exercising and did just about everything that I could think of.

But then I came across something that made me realize that what I was doing was absolutely not helping me get the results that I wanted.  In fact, all they did was effectively get me pissed off when I realized that I was wasting my time.

So I want to share with you today 4 chest fat burning exercises that I've found that have absolutely worked wonders on my chest, my self-esteem and just me as a whole.

Here are the 4 Chest Fat Burning Exercises That Flat Out Work:

1) Bench Press

2) Incline Bench Press

3) Decline Bench Press

4) Cable Chest Flies

Every single one of these exercises very specifically target your chest muscles and as a result you start building strength and more importantly, start burning fat.

You see, when you build up the muscles in a specific area, your body can't help but burn more fat in that area.  It's just how the body works.

So you want to make sure that you are doing these exercises in a way that enables you to build as much muscle as possible, in the quickest amount possible so you can start burning your chest fat fast.

Here's what you want to do with these exercises.  Whenever you do these exercises make sure that you have enough weight so that you really are pushing yourself (remember you're trying to build muscle here and the only way to do that is to really push yourself) and are doing the exercises in a slow and controlled motion.

And most importantly, make sure that you do these exercises at the very most 2 times a week.  You want to give your body enough time to rest and regenerate that muscle fibers that you just tore (I know that sounds all fancy but bear with me).  

What actually happens when you work out (and when you feel sore) is you tear the muscle fibers and they need time to regenerate and will as long as you give them proper rest.

So make sure that you follow that you give yourself enough rest when you are working out.  It will absolutely make all the difference in the world.  Just make sure you're getting your butt in the gym!

Now I know I didn't go into too much detail of actually how to do these exercises.  But I do go into all of these exercises in way more detail and show you some more awesome ways that you can start eliminating your chest fat very quickly at my Chest Fat Burning Exercises Blog Here.